Design is one thing but on its own, nothing is built. How do we know the design has been built in accordance with the drawings and the specifications?
A thorough check is important to ensure that everything has been installed the way it is designed to be.
Healthy Homes are made with super care – but you, as the designer, builder or homeowner also need to be super vigilant.
We recommend a post-construction and/or post-occupancy audit of specified products and levels.
Key areas to examine are:
● The installation of insulation (correct to specification as well as being laid appropriately with appropriate documentation in place).
● Use of thermal imaging to assess wall insulation levels and effects of thermal bridging.
● Floor level survey has been provided.
● Blower door testing and lodgement to AHMA TSL1 has been completed.
● The correct specification for lighting, especially where downlights or ‘eco-bulbs’ are specified (ensuring that these are effective and low wattage CFL or LED).
● Features implemented to achieve Lifetime Design principles are constructed as specified (especially level entrances).
● Correct products being used (especially where environmental choice and low VOC has been specified) – watch for product substitutions.
● Appropriate commissioning such as temperature set points on hot water cylinders and delivery to taps are safe.
● Correct specification and installation of ventilation to bathrooms and kitchens (ensuring that all are vented to the outside of the dwelling and the correct controls such as time delay switches are in place and set up properly).
● Shower and tap flow rates are as specified and have not had flow restrictors removed.
● Pipework around hot water cylinders is fully insulated.
● Designs are not causing overheating problems and occupants are provided with appropriate advice on building use (ventilation, moisture removal, use of daylighting etc.).
● Correct commissioning of space heating devices, including availability of simple instructions for use and understanding by occupants of operation.
We intend to write a Healthy Homes Construction Guide in the future, so watch this space...
Recommended Healthy Home guidelines for Commissioning are set out in the table below:
Floor level survey has been provided.